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Premier League at The Pub

August 01, 2024 09:00 AM until May 25, 2025 11:30 PM

Catch all the action and the excitement of the English Premier League here with us at The Hawk & Griffin!

Click below for a link of all the games from the EPL website:

English Premier League Fixtures

The Premier League is the pinnacle of English football, where the top 20 teams in the country battle it out over 38 weeks (usually beginning in August, and ending in May.) Each season is a thrilling, high-stakes competition where the losing teams can be relegated to a lower division; so of course there's a lot of emotions, fierce rivalries to keep you on the edge of your seat. The Premier League isn't just a league; it's a global phenomenon that unites fans across the world.

Breakfast, football, and a good time is all part of the package here at The Hawk & Griffin Public House and with seven telly's, fans of all teams can find a fantastic view and fellow supporters to cheer, cry, laugh and celebrate with!

We welcome and encourage fans of all ages, and teams, to come and join in on the fun!

So, don't hesitate! Come on in, and join us. Either at the bar, or pull up a table for the Big Screen, there's plenty of room for everyone.

(unless England's made the finals!)

Play your cards right, you might even make it on the telly!

Take a selfie or a photo? Tag us @HawkandGriffin and #MyPLMorning

We are loud, we are proud, and we are:

Premier League at The Hawk & Griffin!

Click below for a link of all the games from the EPL website:

English Premier League Fixtures


Stay Up-To-Date with our weekly line up with us on our social media!

Instagram : @HawkandGriffin

Facebook : HawkandGriffin